HeightRatio Property


Returns or sets the height ratio for the specified chart in relation to the other charts in the chart workspace. The default value is 100. Read/write Long.


expression   Required. An expression that returns a ChChart object.


This property sets the height of the specified chart relative to the height of the other charts in the chart workspace. For this property to have any effect, you must have more than one chart in the chart workspace. When more than one chart is displayed, the charts are displayed in a grid (for more information, see the Help topics for the ChartLayout and ChartWrapCount properties). Initially, the HeightRatio and WidthRatio properties are set to 100 for all charts in the grid, and all charts are the same size.

To change the height of charts in the grid, adjust the HeightRatio property settings. For example, if each chart is displayed in three rows, all the charts have an initial HeightRatio setting of 100. If you want row 3 to be only half the available height, set its HeightRatio setting to 200; the remaining half of the chart height is divided between rows 1 and 2. Because the height specified by the HeightRatio property is relative, you can set this property for the three rows to 1,1,2; 100,100,200; or 20,20,40, all of which have the same effect.

If the chart workspace contains charts displayed in more than one row, the largest HeightRatio setting in each row is used to set the relative height for the entire row.

This property is useful for creating price and volume stock charts in which the volume chart is half the size of the price chart.